Tuesday 28 February 2023


 Seminar was presented by P.Ganesh on Presentation Skills on 1.3.2023

Monday 27 February 2023


Third Semester Students attended Internship Program in SVU Library, at Periodical Section on 27th Feb.2023

Saturday 25 February 2023

Visit of NAAC Internal Monitoring Committee

Prof.Sai Sujatha and Prof. Ameenulla visited the dept on 25th Feb.2023 and had given suggestions on PPT.

Ph.D Viva Voce

Ph.D. Viva Voce is conducted to Mr.Kiran Kumar and recommend for the award of the degree on 25th February, 2023

Prof.Sreenivasa Raghavan Bharathidasan  University

Former Professors I. Chandraiah and K.Padmini

and Prof.K.Surendrababu attended

Clean and Green Program

 Clean and Green Program is conducted on 25th Feb.2023. Faculty and Students participated.

Friday 24 February 2023

Ph.D. Viva Voce

 Ph.D Viva Voce is conducted to Mrs.Sreelatha and recommended for the award of the degree on 24th February.2023.

Prof.B.V.Muralidhar, Dean, Faculty of Arts

Prof.Ramesha, Bangalore University, Bangalore


Prof( Retd.).K.Padmini


Wednesday 22 February 2023


Third semester Students(2021-23) are participating in  Internship Program in SVU Library at Circulation Section

Monday 20 February 2023

First Internal Commencement

 First Internal commenced from 21.2.2023 to 27.2.2023 to Previous Students

Ph.D Viva- Voce

 Ph.D Viva- Voce is conducted to Mr.Kondala Rao and awarded degree on 20th Feb.2023.

Prof.Padmanabham, Principal, SVU College of Arts

Prof.B.V Muralidhar, Dean, College of Arts

Prof.R.Sevukan, DLIS, Pondicherry University

Prof.K.Surendrababu, Research Supervisor,

Academic Consultants, Students, Scholars and Library Professionals attended  the Viva.

Friday 17 February 2023

Book Review


The Book 'Sookthi Lahari' written by Dr. R. Seshadri Naidu garu,  was reviewed by A.P.M. Raju, Previous Student on 17.2.2023 

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Preparation of Exhibits by Students

Students are preparing Soft Skills and Library Sections Models for NAAC Exhibition


Sayyad Final year student presented seminar on Interpersonal Skills on 15-02-2023

Friday 3 February 2023

Thursday 2 February 2023

Profile of the Department




To impart quality education and research by revamping curriculum to suit the societal and industrial needs
To conduct Extension programmes in the academic libraries


To train the students in the skills of information organization, processing and retrieval.
To train the students in the management of Library and Information Centres.
To provide the students thorough understanding of applications information and communication technology in library and information centres. 


      The Department of Library and Information Science was established in the year 1974 with one year B.L.I.Sc. programme. Subsequently one year M.L.I.Sc.programme was started in 1985 and two year integrated M.L.I.Sc. programme was started in 1996. The founders of the department, who got superannuated, were Sri. N. Sripathi Naidu, Prof. N. Guruswamy Naidu, and Prof. T. Rajagopal and Faculty Members Prof.D.Chandran, Prof.I.Chandraiah and Prof.K.Padmini. Many of the alumni are serving in the departments of Library and Information Science of various Universities as Teachers, Librarians, Information Officers/Documentation Officers/ Scientists in various educational, scientific and research institutions in the State and Central Government Organisations in public academic and special libraries, institutions and organizations.


HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT : Dr.M.Prasantha Kumari, M.A., M.L.I.Sc, Ph.D.


Dr. M.Prasantha Kumari– presently working as Asst. Professor in the Department of Library and Information Science, S.V. University Tirupati. Her areas of specialization are Information processing and Retrieval Theory, Digital Library, Knowledge Organization, Classification Theory and Practice. She has 14Years Experience and Published more than 30 Research papers in the journals at National and International level and participated in National and International conferences.4StudentsarepursuingResearchunderher guidance.    

BOS : Prof.D. Ravinder, M.A., M.L.I.Sc, Ph.D.


    Currently holding the position as the Head, Department of Library and Information Science, S K University, Ananthapuramu. Currently holding the position as Chairman Board of Studies, Department of Library and Information Science, S K University, Ananthapuramu. Currently holding the position as Chairman Board of Studies, Department of Library and Information Science, S V University, Tirupati. Acted as Observer and flying squad for UG & PG regular and Distance Education Examinations conducted by S.K. University, Ananthapuramu. To his credit, there are 9 Ph.D’s, 4 M.Phil’s and 4 more candidates are pursuing Research.


Dr. S. Ranganadham, M.L.I.Sc.,M.Com., Ph.D.

Dr.S. Ranganadham is the Contractual Teaching Faculty of the Department. Specialized in the areas of Knowledge Organisation Classification Practice, Knowledge Organisation Cataloguing Practice, Search and Search Strategies, Information Processing and Retrieval UDC and Indexing Practice with 9 years of P.G. Regular mode and B.L.I.Sc.and M.L.I.Sc Teaching experience. Published 35 research papers in National/International Journals, Seminars &Conferences. Attended and presented Papers in Conferences 20, attended Webinars 45, Attended 02 Faculty Development Programmes, Attended 04 Workshops.

Dr. B.Veena Kumari, M.L.I.Sc.,M.Com., Ph.D. 

Dr. B.Veena Kumari is the Contractual Teaching Faculty of the Department. Specialized in the areas of Information Technology, Automation and Digital Libraries , Software for Libraries, Research Methodology, Reference and Information sources and services with 6 years of P.G. Teaching experience. Published 05 research papers in National/International Journals and Research Papers presented at Conferences 08, attended Webinars 06, Book
Published 01.

M. Kishore Babu, M.L.I.Sc.,M.Phil.,UGC-NET, APSET.  

M.Kishore Babu is the Contractual Teaching Faculty of the Department. Specialized in the areas of Special Library System with 4 years of P.G. Teaching experience. Published 05
research papers in National/International and Research Papers presented at Conferences 15, attended Webinars 03.

Dr. A.J. Madhuri,M.A., M.L.I.Sc., Ph.D., APSET.   

Dr.A.J.Madhuri is the Contractual Teaching Faculty of the Department. Specialized in the areas of WEBOMETRICS, Library Society. Research Methodology, Cataloguing Theory, and Information Literacy with 4 years of P.G. Teaching experience. Published 03 research
papers in National/International Journals and Research Papers presented at Conferences 09, attended Webinars 05, Attended Workshops – 02.

Dr. E. Sudhakar, M.L.I.Sc., Ph.D   

Dr.E.Sudhakar is the Contractual Teaching Faculty of the Department. Specialized in the areas of Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Library Management, Academic Library System,Management Information System with 03 years of P.G. Teaching experience. Published 03 research papers in National/International Journals and Research Papers presented at Conferences 14, attended Webinars -53. 

Dr M.Swarna Latha(Guest Faculty) M.L.I.Sc.,M.Com.,Ph.D.,UGC-NET. 


Dr.M.Swarna Latha is the Guest Faculty of the Department. Specialized in the areas of Library Management, Knowledge Management,Information and Communication, Digital Libraries Research Methodology with 07 months of P.G. Teaching experience. Published 03 research papers in National/International Journals and Research Papers presented at Conferences 15, attended Webinars – 09.



Sl. No




Semester – I


Foundations of Library and Information Science


Knowledge Organization : Classification Theory


Knowledge Organization : Classification Practice


Knowledge Management


Introduction to Information Technology


Information and Communication


Human Values and Professional Ethics – I



Semester –I I


Information Sources and Services


Knowledge Organization : Cataloguing Theory


Knowledge Organization : Cataloguing Practice


Meta Data Standards Practice


Library Management


Scholarly Communication


Human Values and Professional Ethics II



Semester III


Information Processing and Retrieval Theory


Library Automation and Digital Library




Academic Library System


Communication, Soft skills and Etiquette


Information Literacy



Semester –IV


Research Methodology


Software for Libraries - Practice


Information Processing and Retrieval : UDC and Indexing Practice


Management of Information system


Dissertation / Project Work


Technical Writing

Ph.D’ awarded - 24

Fellowships Staff, Students Rs.18 84,600/-

Department Project details - Creation of online bibliographic database for Management students UGC Govt amount sanctioned -10,90,800 – Porf.K.Padmini was the researcher.

Seminars and Conferences

  1. Role of Academic Libraries for Quality in Research and Education, 2018
  2. Research aspects in Library and Information Science, October11th, 2020
  3. National Webinar on Publishing in Scopus and Web of Science Indexed Journals: Tools and Techniques, on 28th January, 2021.
  4. Seminar on COVID 19 and SARSCOVE, 25.3.2021
  5. Seminar on COVID 19 and SARSCOVE, 25.3.2021

Extension Activities


Birth Anniversary celebrations of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar conducted on 14th April, 2021. Books were distributed to students.

National Librarian’s day observed on every year 12th August. Students & Research Scholars participated and interacted on contribution towards Library and Information Science Profession by Dr S.R. Ranganathan 



Book Talk” competition for students were conducted in Government Gilrs High Schools, Tirupati on 12 th November, every year on the eve of National Library Week and Books were distributed to all the students participated in the competition. 


Students completed the internship Programme in SVU library, Tirupati for 15 days from 01-12-2021 to 15- 12-2021, they also visited SVCE Library, Tirupati and SPMVV, dept., of Law, as part of Internship.

Teachers' Day, 2024

 Participated in Teachers' Day Celebrations on 5th Sep 2024. Dr. Veena kumari participated in Sports Competition and won the prizes in S...